15. Color Images

Color Images

Color Images

Color images are interpreted as 3D cubes of values with width, height, and depth!

The depth is the number of colors. Most color images can be represented by combinations of only 3 colors: red, green, and blue values; these are known as RGB images. And for RGB images, the depth is 3!

It’s helpful to think of the depth as three stacked, 2D color layers. One layer is Red, one Green, and one Blue. Together they create a complete color image.

RGB layers of a car image.

RGB layers of a car image.

Importance of Color

In general, when you think of a classification challenge, like identifying lane lines or cars or people, you can decide whether color information and color images are useful by thinking about your own vision.

If the identification problem is easier in color for us humans, it’s likely easier for an algorithm to see color images too!